RDCT history: From start to today

The idea of ​​creating the Research & Development Center for Technology (RDCT) germinated in 2017.

Aware of the opportunities that research centers give to students such as the opportunity to carry out research work during their studies, we decided to create a research center in Cameroon.

The research center could be created if and only if the following two conditions were met:

1) The founders had to finance the creation of the research center with their own funds.

2) The center should be self-financing in two to three years.

In order to satisfy these two conditions, a team of founders including five people (three men and two girls) had to be created. The research center had to have, among other missions, the development of marketable solutions, the transfer of knowledge to companies in the form of consulting services and to people in the form of practice-oriented training courses.

In January 2018, a group of founders of five people was created. Unfortunately, after the first working session, one of the founders resigned for several reasons including misunderstanding of the project. After three months, another founder resigned for personal reasons linked among other things to the desire to focus more on his studies. After two years and three months, another founder resigned because she only wanted to contribute financially and no longer wanted to participate in the planning and execution of the activities of the RDCT.

The RDCT was officially created in August 2020 with only two co-founders, namely Serge Teuma and Cedrique Tassi. The fact that we had worked more than two years offline has allowed us not only to mature the project, but also to keep only the people who could support the entrepreneurial adventure.

Our experience has allowed us to understand how difficult it is to collaborate with others. The difficulties encountered offline had allowed us to forge a solid mind set before going into the field.

Today, the RDCT is located in Bonabéri (Douala) and currently offers two solutions to solve the problems of the population.

1) The Clean agency of the RDCT places housekeepers, nannies and cleaning staff in less than 72 hours in households and businesses while guaranteeing your security and confidentiality.

2) The Digital Cosmetics solution of the RDCT provides the population with very good quality cosmetic products at low prices. People save up to 45% of the price of cosmetic products such as perfume, deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, soap, cleansing milk, toothpaste and dental gel, and many others.

The RDCT training center currently trains people in Micosoft office, web programming & development, and digital marketing & community management.