Online training in search engine optimization

No prior experience needed to get started Learn from expert Acquire practical skills Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back
Enjoy a one week free trial Obtain the course materials for free Training takes place online Group or personalized training Choose your training time Join the group of your choice Training fees payable in two instalments Training takes place only 2 days per week Obtain a certificate of completion

Facts of training in search engine optimization

7 Women already trained
23 Men already trained
19 People who have completed the group training
11 People who have completed the personalized training
25 People who took the training on weekdays
5 People who took the training on weekends

Become an expert in search engine optimization

Learn tools and techniques to analyze and increase traffic to your web sites or platforms.


What you will learn

Website audit

Learn tools to identify areas of a website to improve.

Load time optimization

Learn how to make a website load quickly on mobile or desktop.


Learn how to manage duplicate contents.


Learn how to facilitate a search engine to discover all pages of a website and their routes.


Learn how to make a web page accessible and crawlable.

Meta SEO inspector

Learn how to make single web pages SEO friendly.

Web analytics

Learn to analyze the behavior of customers on a website.

Local SEO

Learn how to improve your local presence via Google My Business.

International SEO

Learn how to instruct a search engine to serve a translated web page in the query language.

Choose your group for the training in search engine optimization


The training takes place Monday and Wednesday, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.


The training takes place on Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.


The training takes place Friday and Saturday, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.


The training takes place on Sunday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Date and duration for the training in search engine optimization

2h of training per day
4h of training per week
3 months total training duration
6.11.2022 deadline for registrations
7.11.2022 start date of the training

Cost for the training in search engine optimization

160.000fcfa for personalized training
60.000fcfa for group training
15% discount for women
5% discount on the payment of training fees in one go

How to register for the training in search engine optimization?

Please, complete the form on the right to register for the next training start.

Be among the first people to register by filling out the form now !!!